Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Essay 10

Mr. H Salsich
English 9

Echo Word: Strong
TS: Circles hold there shapes
CM: No weak point in a circle
CM: No beginning and no end
TH: Things are stronger as circles

TS: TOTC plot is a circle
SD: Characters reappear
CM: Miss Pross
CM: Death
SD: Actions come back
CM: reincarnation
CM: sacrifice
SD: ideas come back
CM: Freedom
CM: Hunger
CS: Circles make books better

TS: Circles in my life
SD: Work comes up a lot
CM: Work very hard at many things
CM: Can never work hard enough
SD: Soccer ball
CM: Soccer is the center of my life
CM: Always loved the sport
SD: Comedy
CM: Love things to be funny
CM: Know very funny people
CS: My live is filled with circles

Mr. H Salsich
English 9

Circle Strong:
An Essay on the Strength of Circles and how Things Reoccur

TS Circles, the incredible 360̊ object. Has an amazing ability to hold its shape. CM There is no weak spot in a circle. CM The circle has no corners, no joints, no beginning or end, just an endless line going around and around, never stopping, never faltering, a ball rolling away into the darkness. TH Anything can be made stronger when it is a circle, made better.

TS The very well-built plot of A Tale Of Two Cities is due very much to the many circles in it. Characters constantly disappear and reappear like thousands of bubbles floating in a small room. CM Miss Pross started in the book as a lonely figure, went away for awhile, and now plays a huge part in the end of this book. CM Death has also been a inconsistent character; a simple shadow, drifting in and out of the light. SD Characters actions come in and out of focus throughout the book too. CM Resurrection is a very large circle, with most of the book closed in around it. CM The only greater circle is one not quiet so hidden, the circle of sacrifice. SD Ideas also come back, even though you never quite know what the characters are thinking. CM The idea of freedom has been evident ever since the first chapter. CM The idea of hunger has also been great, both hunger for food and power. CS Charles Dickens is a master of shapes, circles especially, and this makes his novel A Tale of Two Cities one of the greatest ever told.

TS Just like the life of Lucie Manette, my life is filled with circles making it a strong and well structured life. SD Work is a never ending circle that always comes up in everyone’s lives. CM I have always had a busy life, working at many things at once. CM No matter how hard you work, you are always going to get more the next day. SD Another circle in my life is soccer. CM I have been playing soccer all my life and hope if will stay that way. CM My whole life is centered around the game and I live for the game. SD Comedy is the circle of my life. CM I believe that everyone that knows me knows that I will not pass up an opportunity to make a pun (generally a really bad one). CM I surround myself with people who I find to be funny; I love humor and I base my life around it. CS My life, a very Dickens life, is filled with unfaltering circles.

TS The circle may be the strongest shape there is. CM A circle has corners where the sides can be pulled from each other, and a line is unbalanced and is likely to fall flat on its face. CM Circles also make things more exciting, especially in lives. CS No matter what the situation, the circle remains strong.

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