Mr. H Salsich
English 9
The Rule of Resist:
An Essay on Revolution, Revolt, and Riots
Resisting the urge to stand still has been a constant pattern of people. We advocate progress every moment our hearts undergo vacancy. We battle officialdom, and organization, and seat belts, and treadmills; we find conflict with everything that holds us back. It is simple humanity; we need change; a single person can not stand still, whether he’s strapped in or not.
If you look back through the reams of paper known as the history of space and time, you will find that humans are always on a quest for something different, and I intend to prove it. In 44 B.C., a group of conspirators needed change from the bureaucracy known as Julius Caesar. They demanded change in Rome and went as far as to kill their “colossus”, their god, their ruler. The people wanted change, and after rebelling against their leader, they got change. 1259 years later, the nobles of England rebelled against their king but instead of killing him, they wrote a document demanding that they get what they thought they deserved. This act was a little more peaceful than what the Romans had done several hundred years previously but they were done for the same reason; they wanted change and they wanted it badly enough to do something about it. It is very easy to push someone over the edge with something unjust. All people are more or less the same, and I know I could easily be pushed over the edge if I knew something was wrong. If you are doing something wrong, and everyone knows it, everyone will rise against you, the common enemy. All through history, and into the future without any doubt, people revolt against their common enemy in order to get what is just, and with that, change.
Some form of legal system, every culture has, yet legal systems can become corrupt, ceasing progressing. People are constantly looking for ways into the future. People also want things to be as just as possible, so when things aren’t just, and this is causing a lack of progress, people are bound to notice. People have to keep walking, use their feet to move to the next level, and that’s why we have them.
Self Assessment
1. One Issue I am continuing to work on
Writing is never perfect. I am always looking for ways to make it better, whether that’s having fewer mistakes, or writing more gracefully, I always aim to make it better
2. One strong point I see in this essay
I really like my opening paragraph. It took me about 30 minutes to write it because a lot of the words I used I looked up and I picked them all specifically for their lengths and sounds.
3. One weakness I see in this essay
I don’t know if its one particular thing, but I think I got a little side tracked at the end. This is because I wrote it in two different sittings and that through off my flow of writing. I’m not sure if there was anything I could do to fix that.
4. B